Sunday, 5 June 2011

This little piggy went to the Market (and this piggy said "There's an app for that!")

Just been thinking about the Android Market and the App Store, and how they differ. I mean that the App Store only allows apps within very specific criteria, but the Market allows more variety of apps. However most people use the App Store because it's more recognized and because of the games on it. But there are bonuses for the market; the fact it allows more free apps and open source apps.

Also, as users of Cydia have found out, the iPhone uses Apt and the .deb packaging system for it's files. This is what major Linux distributions use and there might be a way of getting it to run on Android, therefore gaining access to the App Store... Provided you have an iTunes account. Or just dual-boot Android and iOS on an iPod or iPad.

Actually that's a good idea. A nice looking tablet in 4:3 format with App Store games and Android awesomeness.